Bicycle4school – 100 Räder für die Jugendlichen der Bright Future Secondary School

Die Bright Future Secondary School liegt fernab von einer großen Stadt  in Kitimbwa (Kayunga District) und hat ein sehr großes Einzugsgebiet aus vielen umliegenden Dörfern. Die meisten Schülerinnen und Schüler bewältigen daher einen Schulweg von 5 – 10 km, manche sogar mehr. Die Schule beginnt um 8 Uhr morgens. Ein Rad bringt eine enorme Erleichterung – zu Fuß dauert der Weg mehrere Stunden. Entsprechend groß war die Freude, als Ende Juni 100 Räder an die Jugendlichen übergeben wurde. In folgendem Bericht kann man noch mehr zur Situation der Schülerinnen und Schüler lesen:
The majority of the learners at Kitimbwa Bright Future Secondary School are day scholars coming from very far distant villages from the school. Most of them walk 5km-10km one way distance every day. Some students have to wake up at around 4 AM o’clock in the morning to prepare for the journey to the school as classes begin at 8:00am.   These students pass through busy places, sugarcane plantations, swamps, cross streams to find their way to school. That is rather risky to their lives and sometimes these learners get to school very late because of the distance they cover while walking.
Some miss the first two lessons of the day. This has contributed to the low performance of the students and the school in the national exams.
In addition to reaching school late, these same students arrive when they are so exhausted, without breakfast meaning the concentration in the classroom is low or even not there. Again, after school in the evening, they reach home very late and tired. Some reach home and start doing the domestic chores, meaning these students are 24 hours exhausted both mentally and physically. Because of walking long distances, there is also a tremendous rise in absenteeism (low turn up).

Die Räder werden in der Werkstatt montiert

Die Räder werden in der Werkstatt montiert

Jedes Rad hat einen Korb

Der Truck kommt an

Bereit zur Vergabe

Vergabe der Räder

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